We're a Collective.
We believe that together, we're better.
We have a phenomenal team that make up who we are at The Devoted Collective and can't wait for you to get to meet them.

Aimée Walker
Founder & Director
A pastor turned writer, Aimée is a lover of God’s Word. Passionate about helping people understand the truth of the Scriptures so they can live in the fullness of all God has planned and purposed for their lives, she’s a speaker and the author of But I Flourish, and has also written nine Bible studies (and counting). These days you’re most likely to find her writing in the margins, with a cup of strong black coffee in hand as she and her hubby Dave juggle the beautiful chaos of family life and try to keep up with their four kids–and each other!

Vicki Bentley
Editor & Writer
Vicki Bentley lives in upstate New York with her husband and two young daughters. As a published writer and editor, it is her greatest joy to cultivate and shape words that speak transformative grace-filled truth into the hearts and lives of women, especially those in the trenches of parenthood. In her ‘free’ time Vicki loves to consume books and strong coffee, and get outdoors to enjoy the very varied, yet consistently beautiful seasons of the Northeast.

Tiana Bancroft
As a writer, certified coach, ministry leader, mother of two and accidental foster mom, Tiana believes that fierce faith is forged in the miracle of the mundane. She delights in walking with others as they learn to discover and desire deep dependence in Jesus, backed by the authority that comes from knowing God’s word and partnering with the Holy Spirit. When she’s not helping her husband, Josh, wrangle their beautifully rambunctious children, you can find her consuming copious amounts of coffee and eating ALL the dessert while journaling or reading a good book.

Aleah Dixon
Aleah Dixon has a passion for God’s Word and wants others to experience it as well. She is a licensed coach and pastor, a writer, speaker, mentor, and Bible teacher. With over 25 years of ministry experience, Aleah has a seasoned approach to walking alongside others, speaking truth, and bringing encouragement. She is intentional about helping others replace lies they believe with the truth of scripture and has a burden for reminding weary ministry leaders to remain faithful to the call on their lives. Some of her favorite things include coffee, coziness, laughter, the beach, her dogs, and fall weather. Aleah and her incredible family live in Southeast Alabama.

Toi Epperson
Toi Epperson is a Mindset Coach who specializes in Transformation. Toi lives for a good combat boot and coffee. She is married to the only man she's ever dated, Ryan, and she is a mother to Liam and his two pup brothers Rusty and Jake. Whether it was many years of leading in ministry, working as a personal trainer or sitting with clients or sisters in coffee shops, Toi's passion is to create a space for women to be who they are, right where they are. She believes Transparency precedes transformation. Transparency and vulnerability is the key to community in the body of Christ but more importantly to deep intimacy with the Father.

Leslie Jones
An author, speaker, and ministry leader, Leslie Jones believes a strong faith is built one intentional step at a time. Through her online community Every Mile Matters, she guides women to run the spiritual race God sets before them in Christ-centered confidence and empowerment.
Her most cherished roles are wife to restaurant-guru Kelley and mom to rambunctious Ryder. In her downtime, she can be found training for her next marathon, sipping strong hot tea, or tending to her cactus gardens. She makes her home in the wild desert of Las Vegas.

Jenna Marie Masters
Jenna Marie Masters is a Jesus follower, held together by prayer, coffee, and paper plates. Holding a Masters Seminary Degree in Christian Ministry and Pastoral Counseling, she’s passionate about leading women to intimacy with Christ. She runs her race alongside her hubby, their three bio kids, and precious foster daughter. They’ve been pursuing adoption for eight years and have learned to adopt God’s will in the waiting. His ways are always better!

Paula Morrison
Paula grew up in Northern Ireland, and then studied and lived in England for ten years before emigrating to New Zealand in 1999, making her the proud owner of three passports! She works as a Speech Language Therapist and has been married to Jim for 27 years—they have two children. Her passion is studying God’s Word and writing is how she processes what God is saying to her through it.

Ruth Potinu
Ruth Potinu is the author of Permission to Mourn: Engaging with Culture, Story and Scripture in a Quest for Healing with Hope. She works along her husband, Simon, and their four children in Papua New Guinea where they seek to minister to the vulnerable especially widows and their children. Ruth loves a good cup of chai, good conversations and writing whenever she can carve out the time.

Tiffany Seldon
Tiffany is a speaker, writer, and certified coach with a passion for helping people discover God's identity and purposes for their life. She believes in the transforming power of the Word and uses it to encourage others to walk in freedom. Tiffany enjoys a good cup of coffee and a book, the quiet of early mornings, and opening her home to friends and strangers alike. You can find her adventuring or pouring into her local community alongside her husband, Aaron, and two sons, Conlin and Gideon.

Dan Tyler
Dan has served as a full-time pastor for 12+ years, originally in the UK and more recently in Auckland, New Zealand. He is passionate about seeing people grow in confidence in the truth and beauty of the Gospel and uses his gifts in preaching, teaching, leadership and pastoral care to grow the church wherever God has placed him. Away from ministry, he holds a Masters in Aeronautical Engineering, referees with New Zealand Football, is a cricket enthusiast and enjoys reading theology and history.

Shelley Johnson
Community Manager & Writer
Words have always been Shelley’s passion—learning, reading, or writing them—and Jesus has always been her main love. So, it is with great humility that she shares written words with women who seek to go deeper in their faith. She also has four men in her life who are her joy and loves. Shelley and her husband can be found scouting the surrounding spaces near their home in Texas while their three sons are out forging their ways in the world.

Maria Dyck
Podcast Producer & Writer
Maria Dyck is an author, blogger, worship leader, and music teacher who is passionate about helping women find healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ. A mother to 3 wonderful kids, and happily married to Jim, the man who fixes everything. When she’s not on some crazy adventure with her family, she’s happy to be home with a hot cup of tea, her favorite chair, and a good book.

Heather Carlisle
Heather Carlisle has a passion to be alone with God and show others how to do the same. She believes an intimate, vibrant connection with God is the way we live the supernatural life like Jesus did. She does this through coaching, leading retreats, writing, and speaking. In her free time, reading, painting, and just being in nature are some hobbies that fuel her. She lives in Michigan with her adventurous husband and two energetic girls, where they help lead a beautiful local church body.

Ashley Djokoto
Ashley Djokoto is a wife, writer, and educator with two homes – one in Georgia where she grew up, and one in Ghana where her husband is from and where they now reside. She found her love for writing in high school when she received her first journal. She’s now published several articles and has been featured in a devotional for expat women. One of her passions is discipling young women to grow in their relationship with the Lord. She also enjoys curling up with a good book, making something crafty, and deep conversations with friends.

Ceri Findlay
Ceri, born and raised in Northern Ireland, has dedicated 17 years to ministry and missions in various countries. With a passion for helping people recognise their God-given potential and leveraging their unique gifts for kingdom impact, Ceri currently resides in Auckland, New Zealand, alongside her husband and two boys, Gideon and Asher. Together, they lead Catalyst Movement, a ministry focused on empowering and inspiring young adults to share the gospel and witness individuals dedicating their lives to Jesus throughout New Zealand.

Mazhar Kefali
Affectionately known as 'Pastor Maz', after pastoring for over 30 years, he's now in itinerant ministry and continuing to impact many with His passion for the Word and teaching gift. He's a lover of good books (despite all his attempts to downsize, he still has an impressive personal library!), good coffee, and chocolate fish. A father of four and proud Poppa of eight (soon-to-be nine!).

Tabitha Meglich
Tabitha is mother of five amazing kids, grandmother to eight, and wife to a man with a heart of gold. Currently residing in the great plains of North Dakota, she is on pilgrimage to the heart of the Father; seeking the sacred in the everyday ordinary and capturing what can be expressed in words along the way to encourage women to know scripture deeply, follow Christ passionately, and live out their faith radically.

Marissa Price
Marissa is an ordained minister and holds an M.A. in Theology & Culture. She has worked with three church plants across the United States, served with ministries in France and Turkey, and spent years working against sex trafficking alongside some incredible organisations. Marissa loves all things theology and history, and prefers to be around people whenever possible. You will frequently run into her working day job from a laptop at a local coffee shop. She believes that theology is for everyone, and is passionate about teaching and mentoring believers in their faith journey.

Emily Smith
Emily is a Daughter of the King, married to Jerry with two children, Jacob & Holly and living in the beautiful city of Christchurch, NZ. I am currently working part-time as the Families Pastor at South City C3 and I have been involved with our Women's Ministry team for over 10 years. I am into all things that are related to knitting, crochet, cross stitch, sewing and you will always find me with some form of project on the go in my handbag. I also love to read and, being a night owl, have been known to read till the early hours of the morning to finish my current book.

Lori Ann Wood
Lori Ann Wood lives with her husband in an empty nest in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas. Three amazing people call her Mom, but one (maybe even more) amazing little girl calls her Grandma. After discovering a serious heart condition almost too late, Lori Ann became an award-winning author and speaker who encourages deep faith questions along the unwanted paths of life. She has found God present and faithful, despite the challenges of chronic illness. Lori Ann’s passion is to equip and empower other detoured Christ followers to honestly explore their faith. Find her at loriannwood.com.

Leslie Scott
Leslie Scott is an admin enthusiast who loves creating order and helping things run smoothly. Originally from the States, she now calls Auckland home and finds joy in leading worship and encouraging others in their faith journey. When she’s not planning or organising, Leslie enjoys exploring New Zealand’s stunning landscapes, savouring a good coffee, and spending quality time with friends and family. Her heart is devoted to Jesus, and she’s passionate about seeing others grow in their love for Him.

Olivia Spink
A photographer and Children's Pastor, Olivia is based in beautiful Nelson, New Zealand. She's passionate about the art of photography and loves the opportunity it brings to bless others, go on impromptu adventures, have exciting life experiences, meet new people, see new countries, and of course, capture amazing images.

Adéle Deysel
Married for seventeen years with three beautiful daughters, Adéle’s heart is to worship God in everything she does. Reading and understanding the Bible has not always come naturally to her but as she wrestled through Scripture with perseverance, she found familiarity, depth, and richness in its pages as the love and grace of God transformed her life. Her prayer is that you too will experience God's love, grace, and promises in a profound and life-changing way.

Pam Dyck
Pam Dyck pastors with her husband in Abbotsford British Columbia Canada. They have been in ministry for over 45 years, raised five children and earned every one of her grey hairs! Pam loves to write, she has authored two books and is currently working on two more. She has a blog called 'Praying Pam' and also writes a for a private Facebook page to encourage people praying for prodigals, called 'Prodigal Prayers'. She loves God, her kids, grandkids. . . and friends are well loved too!

Kay Gleaves
Kay lives in the heart of the Midwest, where she homesteads with her husband. A mama with two grown kids, empty nesting has led her to pursue the dreams set in her own heart; ones of writing, creating and ministering as a Revelation Wellness instructor- #fitnessteachergospelpreacher. Kay has learned that using her own messy testimony to help other women meet Jesus, discover their worth, and love themselves in the middle of their own, sometimes very messy stories, is the Kingdom building to which she's been called.

Victoria Stewart Malone
Victoria Stewart Malone lives in Charleston, SC, and is active in leading worship and women’s ministry. She is a certified Go + Tell Gals Christian Life Coach and is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling + Life Coaching. She is currently building her coaching ministry, Beautiful Fabulous Friends, which helps women overcome fear and move forward in their God-given mission. She is passionate about sharing her love story with Jesus to inspire women to become who God created them to be, find faith to believe God for more, and flourish in community, so that future generations know, live, and tell the good news of Jesus.

Adelaide Mitchell
Adelaide is probably drinking a glass of iced tea as you read this because she has one in her hand most of the time. She works as an educator at the local college, but her heart beats to create for the Kingdom. While her creative endeavors are mainly through the pen, she loves forging relationships with the other Christian creatives she meets along the way. Adelaide lives in central California with her four dudes (1 husband + 3 sons) and a pair of female border collies.

Melanie Pavis
Mel is wife of one, mother of two and grandmother of one. She has been part of her local church for over 40 years and has worked full time there for 15 years.
Passionate about providing space for people to connect with Jesus and encouraging them in their spiritual journey, Mel does this through offering Spiritual Direction, facilitating Quiet Days and Silent Retreat weekends or simply a good chat over a good coffee.
Mel loves Jesus, people, the scriptures and writing. You can often find her out in creation; walking the local beach, pounding the streets of Torbay or sitting in her back garden chatting to the Tuis.

Rachel Rodger
Rachel has over 20 years of ministry experience, including several years as an ordained minister. She founded hint.holler to help others learn to discern God’s voice and grow confident in using the gift of prophecy. She loves to teach from the Word of God as well as mentoring young ministry leaders and emerging prophetic voices. You can find her on Insta/Facebook at hint.holler or email hint.holler@gmail.com

Em Tyler
Em is a twice-certified coach, speaker, and author with a particular passion for seeing God's people ‘grow and go’. Driven by the conviction that God's Word brings life and freedom, Em preaches and writes for transformation and growth within the Christian context. She is committed to helping believers get ‘unstuck’ and discover everything God has for them. Married to a phenomenal specimen of man (Dan) with three spectacular works of God’s creativity (her kids), you can connect with Em for coaching, speaking, or just to say “hi” at emtyler.com