Make an
impact today

We believe that when women thrive in their faith and grow to love God with all that they are, it has a ripple effect for their homes, workplaces, churches, and communities. When you partner with us, you’re sowing into that vision: wholehearted women bringing His wholeness to others right where they are.

Thank you for your generosity and willingness to partner with us! The Devoted Collective is not a registered charity and your gift is not eligible for a tax rebate.

Why give?

  • To be part of facilitating a space where women can grow and flourish in faith.

  • You’ll be enabling us to keep resources like Daily Dose free for our readers—which means we can encourage more women to be ALL IN for Jesus!

  • Additional finance helps us get expert support, relieving the pressure on our volunteer team and allowing us to do what we do best—focusing on creating our amazing content!

  • Speaking of content, your gift will help us to make the many resources and books we’re dreaming of a reality!

  • Your gift will ensure that The Devoted Collective gets to stick around and continue helping women to love God with all that they are, right where they are.

  • Thank you for considering partnering with us! Your generosity is appreciated.


  • We are a small organisation with big dreams! Currently we are reliant on our team volunteering their time and talents to be able to offer the resources that we do. Your gift will help us meet the costs of running this ministry and enable us to keep growing and offering accessible biblical content.

  • The Devoted Collective is not currently a registered charity so your gift is not tax deductible.

  • The Devoted Collective does not currently return a profit and our Director, Aimée Walker does not take any drawings from the business—in fact, for a number of years she, and other generous team members, financially resourced the ministry to keep it going.