We’re all devoted to something; it’s what we choose to devote ourselves to that determines the fruit of our lives. And friend, we want the good fruit—we want wholeness and holiness. So we are devoted: to God, to His Word, to prayer, to living out our faith in community.

With all that we are, right where we are.

When asked what the greatest command was, Jesus didn't even have to think: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment” (Matthew 22: 37-38).

God’s greatest commandment was never a rule but an invitation to relationshipto intimacy with God. It is an invitation that is both simplistic yet complex because what Jesus is calling us to requires our all.

No more compartmentalising.

No more fair-weathered faith.

No more waiting for ideal circumstances.

No more holding back.

Jesus wants us to be all in; He wants us to be wholehearted, loving Him with every part of our being—with all that we are, right where we are.

And that's our commitment: We want to be relentless in our pursuit of Jesus, holding nothing back. We want to love and serve Him with all that we are and all that we have, because He alone is worthy of our full devotion.

Let us encourage you with this: Being wholehearted is not about your strength or ability but His.

In the Old Testament, the original language for the phrase "wholehearted devotion" which was used to describe the posture of King David and his descendants, is šālēm lēḇ. Quite literally, it's a heart that is at shalom.

Shalom is God's personal peace and wholeness. It is not a state that we can achieve for ourselves, but a gift that He bestows. And as we receive His shalom and live at peace with God, we are transformed from the inside out; we are made whole.

Don't let the thought of giving God your all scare you. This is an invitation to draw near and live out of His fullness, and it doesn’t have to wait for “one day when”—it’s for right now. Right where you are, however messy or glorious that may be, God is wooing you closer. He's not asking you to do more, but to receive more.

So let’s be ALL IN together, friend, cheering one another on as we devote ourselves to loving God with all that we are, right where we are.